Valentine's day / 2ème partie (classe 3ème avancée)

Publié le par Maryse Bouygues




The English advanced class of “Troisième” is proud to present to you the second part of “Love Today”, a magazine exclusively about Valentine’s Day.



Artwork by Corentin Huve




What To Buy for Your Valentine

Love Actually

Love Sucks!

Things To Do On Your Own On Valentine’s Day




By Emilie Gérard





Don’t forget to back up those words ‘I Love You’ with a present for your loved one. Here are my top five tips…




The first, and the easiest present to find : flowers ! It doesn’t matter how clichéd it is - your love (especially if you’re a boy giving to your girlfriend) will surely like it. If you don’t know which flowers you have to buy, take roses, as these flowers are by far the most romantic!


Who doesn’t like chocolate? Buy a box of heart-shaped chocolates. Try to find out what flavour your lover prefers - white chocolate, milk chocolate or black chocolate. Then when he/she opens the box, you pop them into his mouth and he can do the same for you!


Valentine’s Day cards/letters

This is surely the most personal thing you can give to your loved one. Buy a lovely card and write a Valentine’s Day poem on it. You can be sure that your Valentine will love it!


Number 4: Perfume

A sweet-smelling lover makes the love even sweeter! You’ll be even happier to be next to him/her!


Number 5:  Jewellery

Chocolates are eaten. Roses fade. Perfume bottles empty and are discarded. A necklace or a ring can last forever!









Camille and Charlotte


Feeling lonely and alone this Valentine’s Day? You Might Think it Sucks, but being single has its advantages. Here are just a few…




You can flirt with whoever you want as you please.

You can focus on school work.

You don’t have to deal with another person’s freaky habits.

You don't have to tolerate moodiness & nagging.

You have more times for your activities.

You can have boys around and do “boy” stuff without someone telling you it’s gross.

You can play video games as much as you want.

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You can have male friends without having to defend yourself and explain that nothing is going on.

You have more time for yourself.

More time with your friends and with your family.


You can focus on school work!


You don’t have to look out for someone all the time.


You can wear whatever you want and spend an entire day wearing sweatpants. Be whoever you want with whoever you want.


You can flirt with the hot new guy without someone punching him in the face afterwards.


You can freak out with your friends without him being jealous or worrying that you turned crazy.





Charlotte and Camille


If you’re alone or single this Valentine’s Day, just remember there’s a big difference between being lonely and being alone!, remind yourself that you are NOT lonely. Here are a few suggestions about how to celebrate the day with the warmest, funniest person in the world – in other words, yourself!

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·         Invite some friends over for a sleepover. Make fun of all the lame couples you know.

·         Throw an anti-valentine’s day party and bring a giant heart-shaped piñata, then beat the hell out of it. You’ll feel much better after.

·         Valentine’s day is about love. But not just ‘romantic’ love. Reach out to other people, the elderly, the poor, whoever. Show your affection and compassion to anyone who needs your help and love.

·         Annoy couples on the street and at school, mock their cheesy habits, etc.

·         Forget what day it is. Hide the calendar, flip it to March, or just don't look. Valentine's Day is just like any other day.

·         Remind yourself that Valentine’s Day is a commercial holiday. It is not about love and relationships; it is about selling flowers, candy, and diamond jewelry. Think of all the money you are saving.

·         Pamper yourself! Have a make-over! Get a massage. Remember that the most important person in your life is YOU.

·         Since you aren't spending money on your lover, spend it on yourself.

·         Think about how fat all other people will get eating Valentine's Day chocolates.

·         Set up an online dating profile. Alright, you may be single, and you may be at peace with it, but you may also be interested in changing that single status. Who knows what might happen?!

So take that depressed look off your face, put down your pot of Nutella and follow our simple advice – get out there and HAVE SOME FUN!







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